Fresh out of Logic, DJ Fono and I present to you the official New York Football Giants Super Bowl anthem for 2012. It's been an incredible season, so I wanted to do my part to show my appreciation for the resilience this team has showed. I'm sure there will be many haters upset at the fact that my Heat City (Miami Heat Rack Ctiy Remix: See older posts) release is followed up with a New York Giants anthem. So just to put to rest any doubt, I am a NY born, NY proud Giants fan. I mainly grew up with football, baseball and hockey in center focus. It wasn't till I lived in South Florida that I got love for the sport of basketball which was definitely Heat influenced. Now...back to "Eli's Coming", The original song of the same title is by the band Three Dog Night put out many years ago. The idea came from a suggestion my pops made, and the persistance to follow through came from my homie Mal (@LivinWitMal). Really impressed with how DJ Fono chopped it up and really gave it a live feel. Please enjoy and spread the word if you enjoy, go big blue.