It's close to midnight, I pull up outside the studio to find an eager Jonny Lyrks (pronounced "lyrics" which is an acronym standing for Learn Your Real Knowledge Steadily) sipping a beer next to his old truck. Late night sessions are normal for Jonny, thriving to burn the midnight oil night after night in hopes of being one step closer to completing his 3rd mixtape in the last 6 months. The Jersey born, now Boca Raton native has been rhyming for years and is gaining more and more attention each day. One thing I admire about this guy is his work ethic, I can recall countless occasions of waking up to a verse from the emcee waiting on my voicemail. He pumps out tracks like reps in the gym, working on his versatility and creative stamina. So what should we be expecting from Jonny in the near future? Well expect 2 new releases from his mixtape series Words From the Burbs and another slew of videos. It's all love in the tight knit community we call hip hop, especially for a couple dudes like us. We have featured together on multiple tracks, from the most recent Let U Go (Feat. Zion Birdsong), to Somebody Like Me, and the fan favorite World of Fantasy. Jonny has grown so much from tape to tape, and soon he will get the respect he deserves. Be on the lookout for the upcoming releases by following him on twitter @jonnymonsoon and download volume 1 of the mixtape series Words From the Burbs below.